Saturday, July 16, 2011

In Praise of the LRK

For my most recent dinner club meal, I used several recipes that have been featured on the NPR show "The Splendid Table," hosted by the wonderful Lynne Rossetto Kasper. Its tagline is "the show for people who love to eat," and LRK waxes rhapsodic about the culinary delights around us every single day. (As Emily describes it, LRK talks about food like it is porn.) Her guests include chefs, restaurateurs, sommeliers, food critics... really, anyone else who shares a passion for food. You can't listen to the show and not be inspired to storm a kitchen -- if not to cook, then to eat.

The show's website,, contains a database of all the recipes discussed on the show. I have tried more than a few, and I have to say that LRK has never steered me wrong.

If you don't listen to the show, you should. You can even subscribe to a podcast on iTunes for free and download episodes to your electronic device of choice.

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