Thursday, July 7, 2011

Watermelon-Halloumi Cheese salad

I saw this recipe in Bon Appetit. I think this salad has it all. Sweet and salty flavors, plus the coolness of the watermelon against the warm cheese. It's also just pretty to look at. I would totally make this again.

In case you haven't seen or heard of it, halloumi cheese is a very firm cheese originally from Cyprus So firm, in fact, it can stand up to pretty high heat. You can fry it, or grill it (this is what I did for this recipe). It's a little pricey (~$8 for an 8.5 oz. package). If you can't find halloumi cheese, paneer might be a good substitute, though paneer doesn't quite hit those salty notes that halloumi does.

1/2 of a medium-sized seedless watermelon
1 pint of cherry tomatoes
1 8-9 oz. package of halloumi

Herb oil:
1 c. loosely packed basil
1/2 c. loosely packed mint
1 garlic clove
1/2 c. olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

First prepare the herb oil. place the basil, mint and garlic in a food processor. With the machine running, drizzle in about a 1/2 c. of olive oil. You're looking for the mixture to get to a dressing-type consistency. Add salt and pepper to taste. This can be made ahead.

Heat your grill or grill pan to medium heat.

Slice the halloumi into 8 or 9 thick slices. Place them on the grill. Using a pastry brush, dab the tomatoes with the herb oil and place those also on the grill.

After about 2-3 minutes (or when you see grill marks) turn the cheese and cook for another 2-3 minutes.

When the tomatoes start to get a little color and begin to burst, remove them from the grill.

I sliced the watermelon into steaks, but if you prefer a dice, go right ahead. Layer the watermelon onto a platter.

Top with grilled halloumi and tomatoes. Drizzle entire salad with remaining herb oil.


Note, the cheese will squeak against your teeth, but I kind of like that sort of thing.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a huge tomato fan, and I thought this was delicious!
